Sunday, October 18, 2009

List of twitter accounts for course ILEX 6-10

Here is a list of the Twitter accounts from the students of course 6-10 that I'm currently following, click on them to read them and follow them if you want:

@_osopardo (Julio Echeverri)
@ach8029 (Alejandro Cañaveral)
@andres_9010 (Jaime Andres Hoyos)
@andrevallejo (Yulian Vallejo)
@atempora_05 (Natalia Aguilar)
@CamilitoAlvarez (Camilo Alvarez)
@cridavifer (Cristhian Fernandez)
@Dani_8927 (Daniel Jaramillo)
@hugo_arb (Hugo F. Arbelaez)
@jeitty27 (Jenny Arévalo)
@juanesbanca7 (Juan Esteban Cardona)
@JuanKvet28 (Juan Camilo Grajales)
@je_coyote (John Elkin Heredia)
@lagrimarum (Jorge Iván)
@lixita89 (Elizabeth Montoya)
@lufer_ (Luisa Fda. Arcila)
@LuMvZ (Luisa Fernanda Gómez)
@paulita6516 (Paula Guapacha)
@patyuchima (Patricia Uchima)
@pignoise_ (Lady Orozco)
@pitud_84 (Mariana Cañaveral)
@xmarisolg (Marisol Grijalba)
@Yujas (Yuli Carmona)

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