Monday, December 7, 2009

Final Grades ILX-610 (Saturdays) and ILX-606 (Weekdays)

Click on the picture to enlarge. People with grades between 3,0 and 3,4 can present the remedial test. To present the remedial test you have to pay $3,700 at the teller of the UTP (la caja) and go to the ILEX office with the receipt during this Monday 7th of December. Good luck!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The history of Halloween (by the History Channel)

A video about the history of Halloween, with a different approach to the beggining of the "Trick or treat" tradition, click here to view.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Follow @adrianaanselma in Twitter (Colmbian news in English). On Saturday I'll ask you some questions about the news she reported this week.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Task B

For next Wednesday create a Powerpoint presentation about typical food from our country (similar to the descriptions you learnt to do last course, but more detailed). Be aware if you're speaking about the maker of an action or the receiver of an action. The presentation must include :

  • Popular food that people like to eat (it could be from any region of Colombia).
  • What is that food made of? (beef, pork, fish, flour, etc.)
  • What is the flavor? (sweet, salty, acid, spicy)
  • What is the texture? (crunchy, soft, crispy, etc.)
  • Is it eaten cold or hot?
  • How is it prepared? (fried, roasted, grilled, baked, etc.)
  • How do you usually eat it? (alone, with a topping -sauce-)
  • Pictures (clear, with good resolution)

  • You can send it to my email until Wednesday the 28th of October at 23.ooh (UTC-5)

    Sunday, October 18, 2009

    List of twitter accounts for course ILEX 6-10

    Here is a list of the Twitter accounts from the students of course 6-10 that I'm currently following, click on them to read them and follow them if you want:

    @_osopardo (Julio Echeverri)
    @ach8029 (Alejandro Cañaveral)
    @andres_9010 (Jaime Andres Hoyos)
    @andrevallejo (Yulian Vallejo)
    @atempora_05 (Natalia Aguilar)
    @CamilitoAlvarez (Camilo Alvarez)
    @cridavifer (Cristhian Fernandez)
    @Dani_8927 (Daniel Jaramillo)
    @hugo_arb (Hugo F. Arbelaez)
    @jeitty27 (Jenny Arévalo)
    @juanesbanca7 (Juan Esteban Cardona)
    @JuanKvet28 (Juan Camilo Grajales)
    @je_coyote (John Elkin Heredia)
    @lagrimarum (Jorge Iván)
    @lixita89 (Elizabeth Montoya)
    @lufer_ (Luisa Fda. Arcila)
    @LuMvZ (Luisa Fernanda Gómez)
    @paulita6516 (Paula Guapacha)
    @patyuchima (Patricia Uchima)
    @pignoise_ (Lady Orozco)
    @pitud_84 (Mariana Cañaveral)
    @xmarisolg (Marisol Grijalba)
    @Yujas (Yuli Carmona)